Dear Parents,
We hope this email finds your family managing well during this unsettling health situation that we are facing as a community. As of this evening, we continue to have no knowledge of any COVID-19 threats to the Milestones community.
As you know, since the onset of the Coronavirus, our administration has been in constant and close communication with multiple agencies to plan proactively. At this time, the Governor’s office has not specifically addressed 766 schools to inform us regarding the parameters under which we are permitted to move forward. We remain in active communication with maaps (Massachusetts Association of 766 Approved Private Schools) as they are also in direct discussion with state agencies. We can assure you that our persistence in monitoring the evolving conditions is vigilant.
Today, Friday, March 13th at 8:30am, our Leadership team will be participating in a conference call along with Superintendents, private school administrators, and maaps arranged by the Commissioner of the Department of Education and the Department of Public Health. Immediately after this call, Milestones Leadership Team will reconvene to determine next steps for our school based upon any new information learned.
Students have been doing a wonderful job practicing “social distancing” using elbows to deliver a safe fist bump greeting. Therapists and support staff have been responding to students’ concerns and understandable anxiety. Elementary students wore hand stamps today to help monitor frequent effective hand washing, (the stamp is removed only when hands are washed properly) and throughout the school clinicians and teachers are supporting students’ use of safe hygiene practices. In addition, we will be providing students with individual hand sanitizers. In addition to our daily enhanced cleaning practices, all surfaces have been disinfected each morning by the building maintenance department as an extra precautionary step.
Our intention will be to keep you informed as updated guidance is made available, and we appreciate your ongoing attention to our communication updates.