Autism and Employment
May 25, 2017
Finding meaningful employment can be a struggle for anyone. As a caregiver or parent of a young adult with ASD moving into the workforce, you want to not only to prepare your family member on how to gain and maintain employment, but also aid in where to look for help and guidance on the transition from school to the workforce. Milestones Day School and Transition Service can help provide many resources as well as trained personnel to take you and your young adult to the next phase in this journey. Here are a few tips.
Work with your son or daughter to assist them in articulating their strengths, talents and challenges to their transition teacher or counselor.
Encourage your child to request a career assessment from the school’s transition coordinator or a vocational rehabilitation counselor.
- Explore the option of supported employment where a job coach, co-workers, business supervisors, and mentors who can be utilized as employment supports for people with autism.
- Encourage skill development at home such as teamwork, counting change, social skills, taking directions, manners etc.
- Encourage self-advocacy where your young adult speaks for him/herself in a challenging situation.
- Work with teachers and transition team members on employment opportunities and how they may or may not match with your young adult.
Resources –
- Milestones Transition Checklist – here
- Milestones Independence list
- The Autism Speaks Employment Tool Kit- The tool kit is designed to help individuals with autism research their career interests, and find and keep jobs in those fields
- Autism Beyond High School: Are We Ready- An article about adult programs and services to help those on the spectrum transition into adulthood