Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS)

Students who attend Milestones Day School must take the MCAS test in accordance with state standards.  To graduate with a Competency Determination (“traditional”) diploma from any public school or approved and accredited private special education school, like Milestones, students need to pass their high school coursework, earn enough credits to graduate (as set forth by Milestones and their home district), and pass their 10th grade MCAS (English, math, and one of the sciences offered:  biology, chemistry, physics, or technology/engineering). If a student has accommodations for assessments outlined in the student’s IEP, Milestones Day School will ensure that the student has these same accommodations for the student’s MCAS.

If a student is unable to pass the 10th grade MCAS (and the student has tried three times), a certificate of attainment may be awarded if the following conditions are met:  (1) the student has continued to take course work in MCAS subject that s/he/they did not pass, (2) the student has completed the high school course work with passing grades, and (3) the student has attended 90% of senior year (except for excused absences).  This state-endorsed credential is not equivalent to a high school diploma. It is, however, intended to make available further educational, job training and employment options for students.

MCAS Dates 2024-2025

School Year 24/25 MCAS dates – TBD