Welcome To
Milestones Day School

Safety. Respect. Responsibility.

At Milestones we educate students from the ages 5-22 and see the potential and strengths of every student. We provide a comprehensive education by balancing stimulating academics with teaching new and appropriate therapeutic skills. Students take part in academic programming at our state-of-the-art facility while immersed in therapeutic milieu. Milestones’ approach to understanding our students is unique because we look at the whole student. We seek to understand WHY the student is exhibiting challenges and teach developmental skills the student needs to be successful rather than traditional rote learning methods. In this way we teach skills for life — creating and building from a solid and well-rounded foundation for college and career readiness.



Co-ed Students
Aged 7-22




Days Per Year /
12 Months


Types of
Assistive Technology


Year-Round Programming

Embedded Therapeutic Model

Multidisciplinary Teams

Project-Based Learning

Robust Assistive Technology

Exciting Electives

State of the Art STEAM

All Certified Staff

High Success Rate

Job Shadowing/Internships

Therapeutic & Academic Focus

Advanced Placement Courses

Executive Functioning Training

Reading & Math Specialists

Gap Year for Age 18-22

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