Conditions Related to Autism

January 12, 2016

Being handed a diagnosis of Autism or being told your child is on the Autism Spectrum can be overwhelming enough, but finding out that your child has related conditions may be just too much to handle.  Unfortunately, Autism does have several related conditions to  Autism and are often diagnosed alongside other conditions. Here are a few that you may need to be aware of. . . .

  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)– Most people with ADHD have difficulty with both inattentiveness and hyperactivity-impulsivity. For some people with ADHD, their difficulties mainly lie in just one of these two areas. ADHD has an impact on day-to-day life, including school, work and relationships. Here are some further links to the confusion between Autism and ADHD.
  • Learning Disorders – People with autism can have different ‘degrees’ of learning disability, which can affect all aspects of their life, from studying in school to learning how to wash themselves or make a meal. Dyslexia is a common lifelong specific learning difficulty which mainly affects the development of literacy and language related skills. It affects the way information is processed, stored and retrieved, with problems of memory, speed of processing, time perception, organization and sequencing. While other children struggle with attention, organization and attention disorders.
  • Social Communication Disorders – A person with social communication disorder will have difficulties with verbal and non-verbal communication that cannot be explained by low cognitive ability, will have difficulties in learning and using spoken and written language, and will give inappropriate responses in conversation. Social relationships, academic achievement and occupational performance can be affected. (Source: National Autism Society)

While this is a brief list of conditions that are related and can happen in conjunction with Autism here is a more complete list of conditions associated with Autism.

Conditions Related to Autism