Using technology at Milestones is an integral part of our everyday programming. Every student has a computer engaging them to complete their daily assignments and activity. All classrooms are provided with a Smartboard, improving the delivery of modern and current educational resources and availability to students. We utilize Google Classroom as our primary platform to post assignments, announcements and classroom activities.
All students take advantage of the apps we download and programs to make learning engaging, fun and regulating for the students. Some of the programs we use include: Daylio, Zones of Regulation, Meditation Apps, Audible, GPS, Timers, Alarms, checking email, speech to text, text to speech, word prediction, podcasts, Audible, graphic organizer, virtual reality, visual/verbal organizing apps, and more!
The teachers are able to communicate seamlessly with students and parents using this platform to ensure homework and generalization of the lessons are carried out while assisting when questions arise. In addition, assistive technology increases students overall engagement in learning. Our Assistive Technology specialist picks the app of the month to test drive in school!