Categories for Caring for children with autism

Guardianship Decisions

December 28, 2015

Turning 18 years old in our society means a person has reached the age of majority and now has legal rights that were once controlled by parents.  Those rights could include decisions about medical treatment,...

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Asperger’s- Myths and Facts

December 8, 2015

The terms Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Spectrum Disorders and Pervasive Developmental Disorder are thrown around and used interchangeably, often confusing the true meaning and characteristics of each.  While there is considerable overlap among the different forms...

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Preparing for the Holidays

December 1, 2015

“Tis the season to be merry and bright, right? Decorating, shopping, family gatherings and, of course,  gifts are some of the mainstays of the holiday season.  Christmas, Thanksgiving and New Years, however, can bring both...

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Legal Issues and Autism

November 24, 2015

How does the law protect children and adults with autism and autism spectrum disorders?  Legislation for people who have been diagnosed with autism exists in the areas of education, health insurance, financial security and guardianship. ...

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Communication and Autism

November 17, 2015

Ever wonder about the prevalence of speech disorders and how they can impact your child’s behavior and learning?  According to the National Institute of Deafness and other Communication Disorders(NIDCD)  the prevalence of speech sound disorders...

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Helping Siblings Cope with Autism

November 10, 2015

Being the parent of a child or children with autism has its own unique challenges dealing with day-to-day events.  But being the parent of children both on and off the spectrum can be the biggest...

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Preparing for Halloween

October 6, 2015

The Halloween traditions of dressing up, trick-or-treating and carving the family pumpkin have long been favorites of children everywhere.   Of course, who doesn’t like candy?  While Halloween can be a lot of fun for most...

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